A simple, comforting, and delicious pumpkin squash soup. Drizzle heavy whipping cream over soup and sprinkle finely chopped celery leaves and finely sliced...
From grandma, a wholesome Depression Era soup, without butter or cream. Takes a little longer to cook, but the flavors meld into an exquisite homemade...
This is a quick and nutritious recipe I created, or think I did, which my companion and I enjoy. Naturally, you may adjust any ingredients as you wish....
This is now a favorite in my husband's family in Canada after my aunt sent it with me when I moved up from California. We make this with whatever broth...
Fresh pumpkin and succulent pears are roasted together before being blended into a creamy bisque. From the caramelization that results with roasting veggies,...
Pressure cooking is making a comeback! This comfort soup is a perfect example of why. It is all-day-cooking-taste with little effort. This is one of my...
It's been a long time since we've eaten tteokguk (rice cake soup) so it was a pleasant surprise when the wife took over the reins in the kitchen and surprised...
The thing I like most about this soup is the pesto made from the greens of the beets and turnips, along with the kale. Yep, I'm going tip-to-tail. The...
I discovered Ham and Pea Soup at a renaissance fair and proceeded home. This recipe is the closest that I came to. Even my brother, who hates onions and...
A spicy-warm soup with light flavorings. As is, I believe it is mildly hot, depending on the jalapenos' quality. Consider adding chayote, more lime, beef...
'Small Sugar Pie' pumpkins are ideal for holding hearty servings of pumpkin soup, garnished with cooked wild rice, toasted almonds, and apples-though it's...
Honestly to-die-for soup. Romanians from Transylvania have a saying: 'asa'i de buna, ca-ti vine sa-ti bati copiii cu lantul ud, sa-i sui in pod si sa le...
This is a soup that beautifully disguises the amount of veggies. My kids adore it. This is also the only way they will happily eat salmon. It's so tender...
As a busy college student, I don't have much time to eat, let alone cook. I've been making this soup for myself my whole college career, since it's a soup...
A great way to use all of those CSA veggies and it's creamy and vegan. You can really use any vegetables in this and different amounts. You can't even...
This is the classic and authentic Italian minestrone with a green twist. No tomatoes here! You may brown some pancetta or bacon in olive oil before proceeding...
Coconut milk adds a soft, nutty taste to this Asian fish chowder, while also thickening it. When cooking with coconut milk or cream, don't let the liquid...
I just tried this tonight, and it was the perfect fall recipe! Warm, filling, and simple. The savory scallops complement the slightly sweet soup. Top with...
Don't spend a long time making a thick and cheesy black bean soup. Make this fast and fantastic version in 10 minutes instead! Warm and delicious, this...
This is an old backwoods hand-me-down family recipe that will warm your insides and stick to your ribs. Great for a cold winter's day or just when you...
The flavorful broth is often traditionally served first, dotted with croutons and sprinkled with Gruyère cheese. The main dish, or 'bouilli' - a platter...
This is a very old recipe for a frugal farmer soup. The name comes from the word jutta, which is Latin for concoction. I love good, hearty foods that have...
Clocking in at just two ingredients and only needing a five-minute simmer time, this fast and flavorful shrimp broth is perfect for boosting seafood-studded...
This clear broth seasoned with soy sauce seems very simplistic, but it belies the intense umami flavor within the soup. We use chicken and 4 types of dried...